20 February 2012

"Real" housewives

I admit it.  I am hooked on the Real Housewives: two cliques in particular, O.C. and Beverly Hills.  Am I proud of this?  Absolutely not, but I own it.  They make me feel so much better about myself.  They are train wrecks from which I cannot look away. 

This week, there have been episode after episode on in the afternoon, and I have been doing a lot of catching up.  Watching these "women", I am pretty sure this is why many people across the world hate us.  It is sickening.  The narcissism, the alcohol abuse, the constant bickering over who did what or who did whom, and the amount of cleavage shown must make a lot of people look at American women as simple whores, with nothing better to do than talk about their money and their men, or lack thereof.

I mean there is not a damn thing about these women that I see as being real.  Not. A. Damn. Thing.  For shizzle.  Not their boobs, their hair, their homes, their lips, their skin, the list goes on and on.  I would, at this point, prefer to see "The Real Housewives of the Trailer Park."  Now THAT would be real!  To see women struggling to keep their jobs, food on their kids' table, the laundry done, the homework challenges, make the mortgage payments, pay for the doctor visits, sit in carpool, and so on and so on...To see them worrying over their kids education, their husbands (at all), the cost of gas, what the kids are seeing on T.V. (including these women's behavior) and the internet.  Again, that would be real.

But the new season starts tonight for the O.C housewives, which cracks me up as well, because less than 50% are actually wives at this point.

...so here we are, the new O.C. year has begun.  It is on at this very moment, so this blog will continue with me ranting about them specifically.  One wife has the Nanny/ assistant driving her to work while she tries to call her husband to make sure the kids are up for school.  The wife cannot call the house phone because she does not know the number.  REALLY?  Who does this in my world?  NOT. A. DAMN. PERSON.  It is not REAL in any way.  And this is the first fifteen minutes of the show.  I am not jealous of these women.  I SWEAR!!!  I pity them.  I really do, for their lack of perception of reality, and for whatever karma has in store for them.

These women walk around in 5 inch heels if they go to the grocery store, and it blows my mind.  They are such bitches, and I do not feel bad saying this, because these bitches actually get paid for simply being a bitch.  Which pisses me off even more, because when I am a bitch I end up crying into my pillow and apologizing to everyone around me, for what?  No reason, other than me just feeling bitchy.  Do I get paid?  Oh, yes...with the undying love of my family.  cough, cough.... 

Now there is the new O.C. girl that they are "recruiting" as a potential new member this season.  This chick acts like she is clueless coming into the group, when, in fact, we know she is not!  We are not stupid women watching these stupid women.  That is where I think the producers and ad execs get it wrong.  We are "real" women wanting to watch these unreal women crash and burn.  So don't play down to us, acting like these women are coming into "the group" not knowing what is in store for them and their families.  The divorce rate for "REAL" housewives must be 85%?  Maybe, I dunno.  What I do know is that is am a REAL housewife, one who has none of the issues that these women have, who is happy to have the struggle, and the trials of my day-to-day life, who is proud to be a real Mom, with real emotions, and a real life, full of uncertainty and doubt and fear.

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